Online shopping has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and this has had a direct impact on the environment. However, consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of their contribution to the environment.

In fact, 59% of customers are less likely to purchase if your products are delivered in packaging that can be damaging to the environment. What's more, 74% of consumers are happy to pay a premium for eco-friendly packaging.

In this post, we share our top tips for eco-friendly packaging.

Use eco-friendly packaging materials

This is the most efficient way to make your parcels eco-friendly. Foam wrap, packing peanuts and bubble wrap are excellent ways to wrap products, but they are not eco-friendly in any way.

Sustainable packaging materials are made from recycled or biodegradable material and can be recycled. Here are some plastic-free packaging products to consider:

• Kraft paper can be used to fill empty spaces

• Old newspapers can help save money on fillers

• Cardboard boxes are an ideal way to make your packaging sustainable

• Towels, blankets and sheets are great to provide cushioning to your products inside the package

• Tape made using recycled paper can help you make your package eco-friendly

• Enviropak, which is made from 100% recycled newspaper is another great option

Use mono packaging

The empty space in a packaging box is usually covered with filling material like bubble wrap or air cushions, which are made of plastic. This makes the package less circular and recycling more difficult.

A better solution is to use mono packaging, which means that the filling material and the shipping box are made of the same material. This makes recycling the packaging materials easy and simple.

Use the right size

Lowering packaging waste is an easy way to make your parcels eco-friendly. According to several studies, an average package wastes about 40% of the space. This has several negative effects on the environment.

For one, the larger-than-necessary package leads to wastage.

Second, the larger boxes take more space in transit, increasing fuel usage and carbon emissions.

Invest in a corrugated box-making machine, which can help you to create boxes to suit each product and package. This can significantly reduce your carbon footprint while improving efficiency of resources.

Use resealable packaging

What if the customer wants to return the product because it did not meet their expectations or it was damaged in transit?

In fact, research suggests that 25% of shoppers return products. This means that you must pick your products and drive them back to your warehouse.

This means that you should provide packaging that can be easily resealed. What's more, you must ensure the packaging is strong enough so it can sustain the return journey.

Use compostable mailers
If you want to take your commitment to sustainability up a notch, then invest in compostable mailer bags. They are a fantastic alternative to plastic mailers. What's more, you can personalise these bags by adding your brand and logo to provide a fantastic unboxing experience to customers.

Made of recycled plastics, compostable mailers are a great way to keep up your commitment to sustainability.

Complete range of eco-friendly packaging at Tripak

At Tripak, we offer a complete range of eco-friendly packaging and packaging equipment. Our friendly team would be happy to help you find the rights solution to suit your requirements. Contact us today!